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Pat Daniel, Implementation Manager

It is my pleasure to introduce Pat Daniel, our newest Implementation Manager, who has demonstrated (and been recognized by our clients) for her unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier projects and exceptional customer service. With a knack for understanding client needs and a relentless drive to ensure that our clients are getting what they need, Pat goes the extra mile and her dedication and expertise have made her an invaluable asset to our team and a trusted partner for our clients. Pat lives in New Jersey, enjoys her dogs, her husband and living on the lake.

 – Laurance Stuntz, SVP of Customer Success

What convinced you Xealth is “the Place to Be”?

Hands down..the people. There are so many super smart, talented and dedicated people at Xealth. It’s what attracted me to Xealth and what keeps me motivated.

What has your experience been with our company culture?

I love the culture here! There’s an energy, vibe and a feeling of roll up your sleeves and let’s get the job done. There’s so much collaboration between teams, and even though sometimes it feels like we are in a pressure cooker; people are always willing to help out. I also love the interpersonal relationships within the company; the sharing of pets, and kids, and adventures, food & beverage tips & random facts – I love it! Even though we are spread across the country, I never feel isolated.

What have been your biggest accomplishments on our team?

I think working with Allina on their surgical patient journeys has probably been my biggest accomplishment over the past year. Allina was moving educational content for 5 different types of surgeries into Xealth from another vendor. It was a very tight timeline to get these journeys live, and a lot of meetings, planning, design, and work went into this, but the end product is amazing!!
I’ve also implemented a new information-gathering worksheet with my clients to help streamline and organize the information needed for new use cases. The worksheet has been well received by the clients who are using it.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within the company?

There are just so many! We have an amazing group of innovators, thinkers, dedicated, intelligent people who are also so super helpful, kind, patient and have a great have sense of humor. I feel very privileged to work with and draw inspiration from such a great team.

What’s the most unique part about working here?

The openness of our leadership team. I feel that our leadership team is very approachable and they encourage feedback, ideas and discussion. I’ve worked for many companies where they claim that leadership has an “open door policy,” but I actually feel that with Xealth’s leadership.

How have you grown professionally while on our team?

I’ve just passed the 1 year mark with Xealth. Our products and tools keep evolving, and I’m still learning everyday. This is also my first foray into the digital health world, and it’s incredible how much opportunity and growth there is in this field. I’m learning not only from our amazing team, but also from our clients and partners. It’s just been a great year!

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